S&T course equivalent to IS&T 1312: Computer Programming Exposure.
Computational Thinking Practices
- Program Design and Algorithm
- Development
- Code Logic
- Code Implementation
- Code Testing
- Documentation Alignment
Introductory College-level Programming Course
- Program design and algorithm development by determining if required code segments produce a given output.
- Code logic by determining the output, value, or result of given program code given initial values.
- Code implementation by writing and implementing program code.
- Code testing by analyzing program code for correctness, equivalence, and errors.
- Documentation by describing the behavior and conditions that produce the specified results in a program.
- Ethical Computing by understanding the ethical and social implications of computer use.
Programming Language
Tools and Software
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code
- Interactive code editor
Professional Skills
- Presentation/communication
- Technical writing
- Public speaking
- Collaboration
- Ethics